Our team is comprised of aerospace and defense industry professionals who have spent their careers in space. From the design and development of science missions for both GEO and LEO, to the spacecraft and instruments such as: multispectral and hyperspectral spectrometers, passive microwave and infrared atmospheric sounders, ozone profilers, GNSS Radio Occultation, GNSS Reflectometry, Electro-Optical/Infrared Imagers, and radar altimeters. The Ethereal Space team has successfully designed and led multiple space missions including satellite assembly, integration, test, launch and operations. Our work included the US Government, Foreign Governments, and Civil/Commercial missions globally.
We leverage existing ground stations for our space to ground segment, including both polar and mid-equatorial ground stations.
Our spacecraft perform observations in sun synchronous (SSO) and mid inclination orbits to optimize data latency.
Commercial Space Weather Observations
5995 Greenwood Plaza Blvd | Suite 190 | Greenwood Village | Colorado | 80111
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